LOCATION:  Rishikesh, India
DURATION: Monday – Saturday (Weekly)


For (Foreigner) Students: $144 USD

For (Indian) Students: INR 12,000

(Without Accommodation)

For (Foreigner) Students: $288 USD

For (Indian) Students: INR 24,000

 (Private Accommodation with Meal)


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Ayurveda Nutrition Course

Note – This course is an introductory course to explore your knowledge of Ayurveda to heal & transform yourself. At the end of this course, the student does not get the privilege of the title as an Ayurveda doctor or physician.

Eating nutritious food on a regular basis can greatly improve your health and energy levels. Surprisingly, the way you cook your food has a major effect on the amount of nutrients in it as nutrient loss happens with nearly every cooking process – be it vegetarian or non-vegetarian. Exposure to heat, light or oxygen will alter the nutrients found in food, and methods that involve water often reduce the amounts of nutrients as these get ‘washed out’ and left behind are just a few nutrients for our body.

A nutritious, sattvic and vegetarian meal prepared at Ayuskama.

As per Ayurveda, cooking food for consumption is an art as well as science. That’s why Ayuskama designed a comprehensive course that teaches students about Ayurveda philosophy with respect to food. Students learn how different food items have an effect on our body depending upon the predominant dosha (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). In the practical classes, students learn how to prepare nutritious meals using different herbs, spices, and condiments.

NOTE: Our short-term courses such as Ayurveda Nutrition Course take place on a weekly basis from Monday to Saturday, every month.

This course includes both theory and practical sessions (3-day theory sessions and 3-day cooking sessions). It’s a two-hour class every day. In the theory part, you will study the basics of Ayurveda principle, the concept of nutrition as per Ayurveda, diet regime according to the season, lifestyle management in accordance with Ayurveda, etc.

In the practical session, you will learn how to prepare Ayurvedic & sattvic food. You will also get to know what all vegetables, spices, herbs, condiments, etc are used in preparing healthy meals. Learn what are different Sattvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic foods and to what extent one should indulge in them.


We will also provide Ayurveda Nutrition Course Certificate after the completion of the course.

Course Syllabus:

  • Introduction to Ayurveda
  • Prakriti (body-type) analysis
  • Concept of Agni (digestive fire) & Ama (biological toxins)
  • Six Tastes of Food
  • Basic Principles of an Ayurvedic Diet
  • Preparation of Healthy Recipes according to Ayurveda
  • Ayurvedic Cooking Classes
  • Information about Indian Herbs and Spices
  • Nutrition and Diet Management for Common Health Issues
  • Diet and Nutrition as per Body Constitution and Dosha Imbalance
  • Yogic Diet – Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic Food
  • How to Eat Consciously
  • Concept of Ahara-Vihara (Lifestyle According to Yoga & Ayurveda)
  • Course Fees:

    For (Foreigner) Students :$144 USD

    For (Indian) Students: INR 12,000

    (without meals &     accommodation)

    For (Foreigner) Students :$288 USD

    For (Indian) Students: INR 24,000

     Prior booking recommended.
    (with meals  accommodation)

    INR 24,000
    Prior booking recommended.

    (with meals & private accommodation)

    Live Dates for the Course:-

    Course DatePrivate (Food & Room) Feeswithout Accommodation FeesRegistration
    Every Week288 USD144 USDApply Now
    Every Week288 USD144 USDApply Now
    Every Week288 USD144 USDApply Now
    Every Week288 USD144 USDApply Now
    Every Week288 USD144 USDApply Now
    Every Week288 USD144 USDApply Now
    Every Week288 USD144 USDApply Now
    Every Week288 USD144 USDApply Now
    Every Week288 USD144 USDApply Now
    Every Week288 USD144 USDApply Now
    Every Week288 USD144 USDApply Now
    Every Week288 USD144 USDApply Now
    Every Week288 USD144 USDApply Now
    Every Week288 USD144 USDApply Now

    apply for ayurveda course, treatment or yoga course