Ayuskama Rishikesh 200 hour yoga Ayurveda teacher training in Rishikesh, India is Known to be one of the Best Yoga & Ayurveda Courses based on Yoga & Ayurveda Principles it has followed. Ayuskama Rishikesh Yoga & Ayurveda Teacher Training Course is all about taking your practice to its advanced level, where you the gain the ability to share it.
This Yoga Teacher Training program will be the foundational stone in your spiritual journey to advance your Yoga practice to transform your self and to feel acquainted with different layers of Yogic Art & Science and also to build Self-confidence in such a way which will help you find your own unique Expression as an evolution of a Spontaneous Yoga Teacher by finding your inner-self.
Study of asana, the background of Yoga, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra and eight limbs of the Paths of Yoga, Knowledge of Yogic & Ayurveda lifestyle, Art of sequencing and improvisation in the class, Observation with specific angles related to a posture,
Intelligent use of props to help improve practice at its early stages, Cultivation of Command through voice modulations, Confidence-building through practice teaching, Principles of anatomy-physiology & psychology with Yogic Science.

Experience: We have over a Decade of Teaching Experience in Yoga and Ayurveda and have maintained a High standard of curriculum to make it a good experience for our participant. we align all the asna for balance dosha( Vata, Pitta & Kapha)
Teaching supposes to relax & balance at our Institute Which helps in getting clarity and keep it Memorized this is the uniqueness of Our Institute and It is a method for the trainee teachers to explore and investigate the potential of themselves as well as of the participants.
Our teachers have an experience of over a Decade in the field and have been Awardees in their own field.
Ayuskama Ayurveda Rishikesh is the place where you are going to find your uniqueness as the basis for you to appreciate and encourage others with their uniqueness.
Recognition all over the world: We are tied Up with Yoga Alliance USA and International which gives the international Recognition For the Certification. Ayuskama Rishikesh Yoga Certification has Helped Over a 1000 people in finding the right career options in this field. Ayuskama Rishikesh has students from all around the world which us a helped us understand each culture so we clearly understand how we need to balance our teachings to each and every student.
Courses are conducted round the year and pre-booking of courses is advisable. You can reach us over the mail, Phone, Skype for online consultation and planning your stay.