Almost everyone makes fitness and health their New Year resolution. Only a few, say 5% of the people actually follow it. If you are also serious about discovering health and fitness in 2018, let we introduce you to Yoga and clear the myths that most of you carry in your mind about Yoga –

What makes Yoga the best form of fitness? Well, you may Google about it and find millions of websites answering your question. There is no denying the fact that Yoga is a complete science that helps you stay physically fit, active and emotionally strong as well. In fact, Yoga works not just at body level but also at mind and soul level also. That’s why, the team of Ayuskama Rishikesh says – “You are as young as flexible your spine in.”

Let us first clarify the myth that Yoga is slow or boring where one has to focus on breathing or hold the postures and just do a lot of stretching.

In fact, there is so much rush and pressure in everything we do that Yoga comes as a whiff of fresh air. “No rush. No Pressure.” This is what Yoga is all about. You are not doing any aasana to show off or in a hurry or to reach a milestone. Yoga is just like the flow of life where you gradually and gracefully enjoy being in the moment.

Another myth in people’s mind is that a man cannot have a muscular body with Yoga. All your assumptions will fall flat when you start practicing it. You will realize there is nothing better for one’s body, mind as well as soul other than Yoga. And talking about breathing exercise, which other form of fitness gives you a moment to cherish the breath you take and fill yourself with gratitude!

People all over the world are falling in love with Yoga because it is so extesive and so beautiful that you can never get bored or even tired doing it! Look around, the plants and animals you see – would you believe there is a yoga posture for every animal’s unique aspect. You can learn to balance yourself like a tree; you can learn to have your spinal exercises like cow or cat… and in case you wish to experience such natural amazingness, browse the various Yoga training courses at Ayuskama Rishikesh.

This would be your best gift to yourself in 2018.