05 Oct 2024

Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit: The Ayurvedic Way

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a holistic approach to health and well-being. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit and seeks to restore balance and harmony within these aspects. By understanding your unique constitution, or dosha, you can tailor your lifestyle and treatments to promote optimal health.
The Three Doshas
Ayurveda recognizes three primary doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each dosha represents a combination of elements that influence your physical and mental characteristics.
Vata: Associated with air and ether, Vata governs movement, creativity, and lightness.
Pitta: Associated with fire and water, Pitta governs metabolism, transformation, and intensity.
Kapha: Associated with earth and water, Kapha governs structure, stability, and lubrication.
By understanding your predominant dosha, you can identify imbalances and take steps to restore equilibrium.
Ayurvedic Lifestyle Practices
Ayurveda emphasizes a balanced lifestyle that promotes health and well-being. Here are some key practices:
Diet: Consuming foods that support your dosha can help maintain balance. For example, Vata-dominant individuals may benefit from warming, grounding foods, while Pitta-dominant individuals may need to avoid spicy and sour foods.
Yoga and Meditation: These practices help to calm the mind, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.
Herbs and Spices: Ayurvedic herbs and spices can be used to address specific imbalances and promote healing.
Panchakarma: This detoxification therapy involves a series of treatments to remove toxins from the body and restore balance.
Ayurvedic Treatments
Ayurveda offers a variety of treatments to address specific health concerns. Some common treatments include:
Abhyanga: A full-body massage with warm herbal oils to promote relaxation and detoxification.
Shirodhara: A gentle stream of warm oil poured onto the forehead to soothe the mind and relieve stress.
Nasya: The administration of herbal oils through the nostrils to balance the mind and senses.
The Path to Wellness
Ayurveda offers a personalized approach to healthcare that addresses the root causes of imbalances. By understanding your unique constitution and incorporating Ayurvedic practices into your daily life, you can cultivate a state of optimal health and well-being. To learn more about Ayurveda and how it can benefit you, visit Ayushkama Rishikesh, a renowned Ayurvedic wellness center. Our expert practitioners offer a wide range of treatments and programs tailored to your individual needs.

30 Aug 2020

Ayurveda Method to Diagnose Three Body Types

Ayurveda is one of the most ancient techniques for treating illnesses. It is a different way of treating diseases. It is based on natural remedies instead of chemical-based medicines used by modern medical science. Ayurveda treats disease based on body types. The human body has three elements that decide and manage body function. These elements decide the body built, personality, and the body’s response to different types of sicknesses. The elements are called doshas in the ancient medical science of Ayurveda. Yoga is one of the methods to treat these doshas.

Ayurveda Its Method to Diagnose Three Body Types

The meaning of doshas

Dosha is a word that comes from Sanskrit, which means a ‘fault’ or ‘disease.’ These are the connection between the physical body and the energy which makes us live. Doshas are invisible, and the imbalance in them leads to different types of disorders.

As per Ayurvedic texts, there are three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Every person is born with a unique combination of doshas and genetic composition. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is believed that health is achieved by balancing the three doshas.

Composition of Doshas

Ayurveda explains the doshas as being made up of five elements, such as Ether (Space), Earth, Air, Fire, Water. The three doshas are Vata – associated with Ether (Space) and air elements, Pitta, which associated with fire and water elements and Kapha, which is associated with earth and water elements.

The doshas are inborn qualities and remain with us the whole life. Each of them has its own benefits and drawbacks. They affect not only our physical characteristics but also the emotional part of our life. Balancing of these doshas leads to a healthy body and mind.

Physical and Emotional Characters and Doshas

Vata Dosha has its own Physical and emotional characters.

Physical Characters:

  • Less stamina
  • Flexible and thin body with a lightweight
  • Light muscular with low-fat
  • Prone to irregularity in sleep pattern
  • Problems of gas and constipation.

Emotion Characters:

  • Quick action taking tendency
  • Very inclined to mood swings
  • Creative and imaginative mind with thought clarity.
  • The tendency to overexert in all conditions.

Pitta Dosha also has physical and emotional traits:

Physical Traits:

  • Prone to baldness and premature greying of hair
  • Medium built body with strong bones
  • Soft and fair-skinned
  • Have a slightly higher body temperature.
  • The very strong digestive system

Emotion Traits:

  • Get angry easily and can’t absorb stress.
  • Intellectual and hence can be rude.
  • Spoken speech due to highly developed language abilities.
  • Want everything in order and don’t like disorder.
  • Love to be challenged

Kapha Dosha can also be main in people. In the present time, this is the Dosha, which is the foremost one. The characteristics of this Dosha are:

Physical Characters:

  • Physically strong
  • Bones are heavy and very strong.
  • Like food rich in sugar.
  • Prone to sinus and chest infection.

Emotion Characters:

  • Caring, loving, and forgiving.
  • Relaxed in their method.
  • Very sharp memory
  • Do not like changes in life.
  • Slow in decision-making.
  • It can work for longer periods.

Knowing the body type and qualities can help one to balance diet and lifestyle. Each body type is unique and should be accepted with its strengths and weakness.

The best way is to learn about doshas is to join an Ayurveda yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh. The trained yoga teachers have profound knowledge about this aspect of diagnosis. Ayuskama in Rishikesh is one of the options with skilled trainers in this field. They will help you develop your life and make it full of joy and happiness.

15 Jul 2020

Yoga as a science of health and healing

When Yoga is used as a Science of Health and Healing,all its techniques and methods which are basically meant for the spiritual experiences automatically get geared to do their job for the promotion of Health and for bringing the Healing touch to the body and mind suffering from l-health. For this purpose,the approach which Yoga advocates does have three main components:

What science says about the health benefits of yoga

  • First is the practical discipline which involves the practices of Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation.
  • Asanas involve the increased awareness of various physical and physiological processes influenced by controlled stretching.
  • contraction and relaxation of various muscles, their coordination in balancing and during maintenance of Posture etc.
  • Pranayama practices, similarly involve the manipulation of breathing mechanism along with the increased awareness of the pressure changes inside the cavity of chest and abdomen.
  • Dhyana or the Meditational practices increase the awareness of one’s own mental processes including the thoughts, emotions, memory etc. It can make one aware how constant restlessness at the level of mind contributes in the feeling of emotional stress, feeling of constant fear and insecurity. This increased awareness combined with the manipulative techniques of Dhyana practices, gradually restore the psycho-physiological functions back to its healthy, harmonious and balanced state.

Yoga as a science of health and healing

(A) Second component concerns with the regulation of Diet as well as the regulation of Daily Habits involving the pattern of sleep.
recreational activities and working habits. This helps in removing all those irritants which are responsible for the imbalance in the functioning of body-mind complex.

(B) Third component concerns Itself with changes in one’s attitudes, behavior and lifestyle which would help in inducing of sharing feeling of warmth in friendship and concern love and respect for the whole beautiful world. This acts as an antidote for the feeling of hopelessness, helplessness and loneliness which may come in the absence of proper relationship with the world around.Many times when people talk about YOGA: they focus their attention only on the first component involving varieties of Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation techniques. Thus they continue Yoga to a small period of their daily life, as if rest of the day has nothing to do with Yoga. But really speaking the Yogic way of living in the rest of the day is not only equally but more important from the healing point of view. Whatever skills one has learnt from the Yogic practices need to be used throughout the day. In this sense the UPAYOGA: ie the use of the Yogic skills throughout the day needs to be given proper attention. The last two components attend to this Upayoga aspect of Yoga. If you undertake Yoga in this spirit keeping this broad framework in mind and comply with all the instructions given to you, you would find that Yoga gives you not only relief from your problems but opens up new ways of enjoying your life. Ayurveda Panchakarma

05 Oct 2018

Oracle Launches SaaS Payroll Service for IGOs and NGOs

AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 28, 2021/PRNewswire/ – Oracle today declared another finance arrangement that will help associations, beginning with Intragovernmental and Nongovernmental associations (IGOs and NGOs), explore complex compensation rules and approaches to effectively pay any worker, anyplace, in any money. A piece of Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management (HCM), Oracle Payroll Core is an adaptable finance the executives arrangement that empowers associations to handily design finance to meet both nearby and worldwide compensation rules in a solitary framework. It permits associations to meet special business prerequisites not tended to with conventional finance arrangements.

Oracle Launches SaaS Payroll Service for IGOs and NGOs

Conventional finance arrangements are regularly intended to meet explicit nation pay rules, however do not have the adaptability to oversee global compensation rules needed for associations like IGOs and NGOs. These associations oversee distinctive compensation structures for representatives working all throughout the planet. For instance, they are frequently not expose to nearby settle rules like duties, additional time, or the lowest pay permitted by law however they should hold fast to exceptional worldwide compensation practices like post administration and multi-cash. What’s more, as certain nations don’t have complex finance computations for social protection and other assessments to consider, associations are frequently needed to invest energy and assets ascertaining finance physically, which improves the probability of mistakes.

Prophet Payroll Core will permit associations, beginning with IGOs and NGOs, to effectively design a finance framework that meets exceptional hierarchical necessities and pay their labor force in any area. Locally coordinated into Oracle Cloud HCM, Oracle Payroll Core can be designed to naturally compute finance as indicated by global or neighborhood pay rules, utilizing the most cutting-edge data about a worker. Likewise, by examining finance information close by other HR information like abilities, socioeconomics, and execution data, Oracle Payroll Core assists associations with acquiring the bits of knowledge expected to settle on more essential labor force choices.

With Oracle Payroll Core, associations will profit from:

  • Adaptable Payroll: Organizations can without much of a stretch follow any mix of worldwide and nearby compensation governs by designing their finance estimations to help different worker needs paying little mind to area. IGOs and NGOs can even finish complex finance activities like parting pay across different types of cash so workers can keep investment funds in their home money, while paying for nearby costs where they are positioned.
  • Improved on Processes: Organizations can utilize a solitary finance answer for help their labor force around the world. What’s more, they can profit from highlights in Oracle Cloud HCM to consequently add fresh recruits to finance and approve information to assist with guaranteeing finance exactness.
  • A More Empowered Workforce: Organizations can save time and assets by permitting representatives to make changes to their own data utilizing worker self-administration, which eases monotonous manual cycles. This assists representatives with zeroing in on essential needs and significant work.

“Prophet Payroll Core will follow through on our vision to help our clients rapidly and effectively pay their workers anyplace all throughout the planet. IGOs and NGOs direct lifesaving work and their representatives are frequently prepared to evacuate their families for everyone’s benefit of the worldwide populace,” said Yvette Cameron, senior VP, Oracle Cloud HCM. “Mind boggling and monotonous finance measures remove time and assets from these associations that could be better spent on the basic administrations they give. With Oracle Payroll Core, we are helping these associations exploit the cloud to acquire the adaptability and convenience they need to plan finance measures that meet their remarkable requirements.”

Prophet Payroll Core is the furthest down the line expansion to the extensive finance abilities inside Oracle Cloud HCM. The finance capacities inside Oracle Cloud HCM support assorted prerequisites across associations, laborers, and enterprises to give productive, consistent, and configurable worldwide finance arrangements. Furthermore, Oracle Cloud HCM empowers clients to use predefined combinations with their finance suppliers to additionally lessen intricacy and cost.

See here for more data about Oracle Payroll: https://www.oracle.com/human-resources the board/finance/

See here for more data regarding how finance programming can help your business: https://www.oracle.com/human-resources the executives/finance/what-is-finance programming/

About Oracle offers coordinated set-ups of uses in addition to get, independent foundation in the Oracle Cloud. For more data about Oracle (NYSE: ORCL), kindly visit us at oracle.com.

Brand names Oracle, Java, and MySQL are enlisted brand names of Oracle Corporation.

20 Apr 2018

Abhyanga – Traditional Ayurveda Massage










Ayurvedic massages are of different kinds and they all have numerous benefits. And according to ancient Ayurvedic texts, the Abhyanga is a kind of “oil massage” and it is considered as a form of Ayurvedic medicine. It involves body massage with a generous amount of warm oil that is more often than not pre-medicated with herbs and is effective in relieving specific health conditions. It is a part for the preparation for Panchakarma treatment and has the following benefits:

Reduces Stress

Ayurvedic Abhyanga massage reduces stress, normalizes heart rate and blood pressure as well. It is ideal for people suffering from hypertension and anxiety.

Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy can be reduced

Some studies suggest that using herbal oil for Abhyanga helps children with cerebral palsy in holding their head. It strengthens their motor skills and this can be achieved by using dhanwanthara thaila (oil) which is utilized during the Shiro Pichu therapy. The expert will place an oil-soaked cotton pad on the child’s head and this is how it helps them in this condition.

Helpful to Diabetic Neuropathy Patients

Diabetic patients when massaged on their feet with herbal oil for about 20 minutes every day for 2 weeks, experience a significant reduction in burning sensations. With time the burning sensation reduces and in case of reoccurrence (after roughly 4 weeks or so) most of the patients report it being of lower magnitude or severity as compared to the first day of the treatment.

Softer and Healthier Heals

People who receive Abhyanga with sesame oil for a month find that there is a significant reduction in their heels getting dry and cracking. This means less pain and reduced itchiness and also much less discomfort. Abhyanga is a very unique form of massage and it has amazing benefits for your mind, body, skin, and immunity. Along with copious amounts of oil, you will be treated with one or two or more therapists who will perform massages in a particular sequence that will relax your mind and heal your muscles.

So would you like to learn or experience such a wonderful Panchakarma treatment? Come to Ayuskama Rishikesh – where we offer training programs in Panchakarma and also provide Panchakarma services. For more details, click…………………..

07 Apr 2018

Learning Yoga in Rishikesh: A Gift for Life











Talk about learning Yoga in Rishikesh, it can actually be a life-altering decision for you. Yoga is very beneficial for us as it is but learning it amidst the scenic backdrop of Rishikesh rejuvenates you and calms your mind. You are able to experience each and serenity like never before. When years of having been committed to an endless job and completing all your duties as a son and brother, or as a mother or daughter, what you seek is some “ME TIME.” You want and deserve a break and this is when you should think of planning a little escape to Rishikesh.

The day you step on to this holy soil you will realize just how many spiritual souls this land has accumulated over the years. Countless people from across the world have made Rishikesh their home for the simple reason that it offers them refuge and an escape from their mess of a life that threatens their freedom and peace of mind.

We already have numerous studies to show that performing yoga poses not only reduces stress and fatigue by adjusting the hormone cortisol in our body but is also dissolves our toxins and helps us get rid of negativity. It energizes us and rejuvenates our very being by aligning our thoughts and ideas and cleansing our breath and aura as we inhale and exhale deep and repetitively.

What makes it even more interesting and fruitful is the picturesque splendor of Rishikesh retreats that surrounds you from all the corners. There are lush greenery and calming water bodies that touch the right chord with our soul. You can enroll in different yoga programs offered by Ayuskama Rishikesh that is designed for beginners and intermediates and experts. Everyone can find peace and tranquillity learning Yoga from the expert team of Ayuskama that has been blessed to spread the love for yoga all around the world.


28 Mar 2018

How Ayurveda Teaches you Nutritious food choices


Good food habits are not just some lessons that our elders teach us. These have been followed right from the times of the Indian Vedic history due to the medicinal value they had. Ayurveda has certain rules regarding food and nutrition and when taken in the right quantities and at the right time, food can help cure numerous ailments.

Sharing with all a few important food principles of Ayurveda –

Eat natural foods

According to Ayurveda, our bodies are intelligent enough to process natural foods. Therefore if you choose fresh fruit or whole grains and vegetables that are organically-grown it makes a lot of sense. We are made to digest and take benefit of natural foods so it is better to choose organic and unprocessed foods if you want to stay healthy and disease free.

Choose lots of fruits and vegetables

Ayurveda tells you to prefer bioavailable foods. Yes, this means that we should cook our veggies properly. Although raw fruits are easy to eat and digest, raw vegetables, on the other hand, may become difficult to process. Despite the fact that they may contain more nutritional value in the form of vitamins and nutrients, they can be a lot harder to metabolize for our bodies.

Understand your Agni

Apart from this fact, if you eat raw veggies for lunch, this gives your body plenty of time and energy to digest it because when the sun is up and high, our Agni (digestive machinery or fire) can work at its maximum potential. As the sun goes down, it mellows down and so should your food choices. So make sure to take lighter meals as the day is about to end to avoid any kind of doshas.

Choose the right spice

Ayurveda says that each one of your meals should contain all the 6 flavors: bitter, salty or savory, sour, sweet, astringent, and pungent. We all have a predominant dosha makeup and following are a few examples of what kind of flavors we would prefer based upon that:

Vata- heavy meals with sour and salty taste

Kapha- pungent meals

Pitta- sweet flavors

If you are keen to learn more about food and nutrition as per Ayurveda; join exclusive courses and training programmes offered at Ayuskama Rishikesh. For more details, click https://ayuskamarishikesh.com/ayurveda-courses/ayurveda-nutrition-cooking/

10 Mar 2018

Does Kundalini Yoga interest you?

Kundalini yoga rishikesh
Many of you are already aware of Kundalini (Chakra or Spiral) Yoga which is known as the power house inside a human body. Explaining Kundalini Yoga in simple words – It is a yogic practice of awakening the seven chakras or Kundalinis inside your body which will help you in achieving your maximum creative potential and living a purposeful life.

Awakening Kundalini therefore is a mammoth task and requires consistent practice, dedicated determination and expert guidance. You must have heard the phrase that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing; that’s why it is always beneficial to learn Kundalini Yoga from expert Sadhakas because this form of yoga goes beyond the physical postures and is considered the yoga of awareness. Once you learn Kundalini Yoga, your life will change for good and in all positive ways –

  1. A person can develop strong intuition and connect with universal energies through Kundalini Yoga. People who are bad at decision making should consider doing a Kundalini Yoga training course.
  2. You can overcome your habit of negative thinking with Kundalini Yoga. This form of yoga is very beneficial for emotional and mental balance as well.
  3. Kundalini Yoga relaxes the mind and strengthens your nervous system. It has worked wonders in the life of creative people.
  4. Do away with stress and anxieties of life with Kundalini Yoga as you practice Pranayam, Nadi Sodhan, Chanting and Meditation also while doing Kundalini Yoga.

Although there are several yoga schools and institutions teaching Kundalini Yoga, the one course that embraces all aspects is offered by AyushKama Rishikesh. At Ayuskama, you get the benefit of getting guidance from the best Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in India and experienced Kundalini Sadhaks.

You can choose to enroll for a 200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh to understand the potential of Kundalini and channelize its potential. This course curriculum includes knowledge about Kundalini, Chakras and Nadis, Pranayam, Bandhas, relevant case studies and regular yoga practice. To know more details about this course, dates and fee structure, click………………..

06 Mar 2018

Learning Panchakarma – A Natural way for Detoxification



Having knowledge of Panchakarma is beneficial even for a common man. It is not just an Ayurvedic detox regimen; it is a way of life. Learning about Panchakarma is one of the most amazing gifts you could give yourself not just for the physical benefits it offers but for the mental balance it brings about.

Panchakarma means “five actions” in Sanskrit and it realigns our imbalances and cures our doshas (faults or bio-elements). In this time and age, we have become almost mechanical, working crazy shifts and not taking care of our body and mind. Above all this, we do not follow a balanced diet and often avoid exercising on a regular basis. This makes us prone to diseases and infections. As a result, toxins get accumulated in us that misalign and misbalance our body and mind further.

Let’s tell you about different types of Panchakarma treatments and massages and how it helps a person live disease-free life –

The Panchakarma Process:  Panchakarma treatments are divided into three phases of detoxifications:

  1. Purvakarma is preparation for cleansing
  2. Pradhankarma or Main course of Panchakarma consists of five cleansing procedures
  3. Pashchatkarma, or aftercare, are therapies applied after cleansing

Five main Panchakram technique

  1. Vamana (use of emetics): Artificial vomiting is induced using herbs. It is usually indicated for people with ‘Kapha’ (phlegm) disorders.
  2. Virechan (use of laxatives): Different purgatives are used depending upon a person’s constitution and disease. It is normally used to eliminate excessive Pitta (fire) from its site in the small intestines.
  1. Basti: A colon irrigation procedure to first cleanse the colon (Niruh Basti), and then restore (Asthapan) the function of the colon with medicated enemas.
  1. Nasya (Nasal administration): Medicinal oils or herbal mixtures are inhaled or used as drops (mixed with oils or ghee) to clear the congestion in the sinuses. It is also good for balancing the prana (air) in Vata.
  2. Rakta Mokshana (bloodletting): We recommend blood donations. Researchers at the Kansas University Medical Center in Kansas City have found that non-smoking men who donated blood had a 30% reduced risk for cardiovascular events such as heart attack, bypass, and stroke than non-donors.

This impeccable cleanse is what makes The Panchakarma the best way to reset your body and make it physically, mentally and spiritually aligned again. And you or anyone hailing from the non-Ayurvedic background can learn and practice these Panchakarma treatments with the help of specially designed training modules of Ayuskama Rishikesh. To know more details about such courses and training programmes, browse https://ayuskamarishikesh.com/ayurveda-treatments/about-panchakarma/

21 Feb 2018

Immense benefits of Ayurveda Therapies

People all across the world now prefer to heal their body and mind through Ayurveda therapies. The very reason being Ayurvedic therapies are holistic in nature and work not just at physical level but also cure a person mentally, intellectually to ensure social well-being.

Ayurveda therapies are based on the theory of five elements which says that every single thing, living or non-living in this universe is made up of five basic elements and therefore all these have the potential to heal human body and act as a medicine. Secondly, what makes Ayurveda therapies so effective is the fact that all these therapies are customized as per human body and doshas prevailing in our body. Basically, there are three main doshas of Vata, Pitta, Kapha which determine our body actions and reactions. Any imbalance caused in these three doshas creates a state of dis-ease; Ayurveda therapists heal a person by understanding the doshas and recommending treatments accordingly.

This must have song exciting to many of the readers as even the digital world is talking a lot about Abhyangam, Shirodhara, Kashayadhara, Greeva Basti, Janu Basti, Kati Basti etc. These Ayurveda therapies are immensely beneficial in curing diseases like obesity, stress, gastric problems, immunity Problems, hairfall, paralysis and skin problems. No wonder, Ayurveda enthusiasts are keen to learn Ayurveda therapies from experts of Ayurveda and Panchakarma Science.

Ayuskama Ayurveda Rishikesh offer special courses for Ayurveda healing therapies. Training is conducted by our well qualified Ayurveda professionals, doctors & trainers. The course includes both theory & practical sessions.  Ayurveda therapist course include expert lectures, individual demonstrations and exposure of different Ayurveda therapies on trainees themselves.

The trainees are given an Ayurveda Therapist Certificate depending upon the attendance and successful completion of the course.

This is a four weeks course, 6 days a week, in which theory and practical knowledge is given to stduents about fundamentals of Ayurveda philosophy, basic principles of Ayurveda, Prakriti (body type) analysis: principles and practice and also about herbs for primary health care Students also get to see the practical sessions of Ayurveda Panchakarma treatments given at our Institute to patients and people. Student can also join in our Yoga, meditation, mantra chanting, pranayama classes in their free time.

To know details about the course fee and dates; browse https://ayuskamarishikesh.com/ayurveda-courses/ayurveda-therapist-course/